What is it?
We have this neural activity going on in our brain all the time (firing of the neurons). When you are encouraging yourself , your brain is producing different neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) than when you are putting yourself down or thinking negatively.
A particular way of thinking is a MANTRA, originally from Hinduism, and Buddhism). It is just a word or a phrase repeated to aid concentration and focus. You repeat this word or phrase to yourself, over and over. This repetition will likely keep other words or thoughts quieted, but, if not, you can just return to the repetition when you notice your thinking has moved away from it.
Among other brain areas, the prefrontal cortex, motor cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, sensory cortex, nucleus accumbens, auditory cortex and visual cortex all become involved when you engage in music. For a more helpful brain, using our latest scientific evidence, we could combine these forces in the following way.
A. Decide what would be best for you to be thinking and for you to tell yourself.
"I can encourage the best in myself."'
"I am just as important as anybody
else in the world."
"All behavior can change".
"I can learn."
"I am a capable person."
"I can do it for myself"
B. Find 3 or 4 notes, perhaps C, D, E, and F,
to repeat to yourself in a rhythmic, melodic fashion. See some examples. You'll want to repeat this musical flow several times, then repeat the several times, several times a day. Remember, we are all creatures of habit.
Any new or different behavior or thinking will take some repetition to get used to (science suggests 21 days) and incorporate into our usual behavior.
Here are some examples of powerful musical thinking mantras
"I am OK"
"I can encourage the best in myself"
"Grandchildren can be mindful too"
"May I be free, may I find peace, may I have courage and kindness"
"I will survive"
"I am going to stay mindful"
(mindfulness is the state of being conscious and aware in the present moment).